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21 Registration
Plates - 2021


The Brief:

To create an imaginative campaign to promote the release of the new 21-plate, released in March 2021 for our motor clients.

The Solution:

In considering themes that fitted in with the number 21, we chose to go with two different styles, to better suit the varying tastes of our clients and the brands they sell.  The first, connected 21 being considered the coming-of-age year, when you are traditionally presented with a ‘key to the door’, and the second, connected to 21 being the winning hand in blackjack.

Screenshot 2021-03-08 at 11.36.19.png
21-Plate-Cards-Final_9x3 copy.jpg

The Result:

A huge social media interaction for each of our motor clients, coupled with a major turnout during the week of the 21-plate’s release.

The Application:

• Creative designs on the ‘key to the door’ theme, featuring keys of the client’s vehicles

• Creative designs on the ‘blackjack’ theme, with various tag lines, such as ‘Winning combination’ & ‘5 car trick’

• Applied the creative to the clients’ websites

• Email to the clients’ databases linking to the website

• Social media posts

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