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  • Writer's pictureRoss Blevins

Location, location, location.

How can we make the best automotive websites even better. Functionality is vital of course, as is the responsiveness to the visitors device, however we believe it's the impactful images that make a significant difference to a clients 'site.

Our most recent project was the all-new Group website for our clients, Corkills Motor Group. Their Northwich based Hyundai operation is a stones throw from the striking Arley Hall Estate. When we were researching a suitable Cheshire location, this venue was the number one choice. Thankfully, the team at Arley Hall & Gardens were able to grant our wishes. If stately home looks familiar but you cannot place it, it's the home of BBC TV's Tommy Shelby of the popular Peaky Blinders drama series.

The shoot was carried out on site by a team of three in half a day. Then followed circa six hours in the design studio touching up the images and enhancing the originals. The final stage was then to resize all the images to suit the G Forces platform and desktop, tablet and mobile versions.

The project continues for the new website with locations being finalised for the Volkswagen operations in Wigan and Southport.

By the projects completion we'll have further enhanced a superb new website which we expect to perform even better in terms of dwell times, page views and conversions.

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