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Bangers4Ben 2018 - 10th Anniversary

In October 2018 we stepped up our support to Ben and participated in the annual Bangers4Ben Rally. By the end of the event over £50,000 was raised by Rockfield and all the other participants from within the industry. All while having a great time in cars costing no more than £750. ​


We dedicated our entry to Alan Blevins MBE FIMI who passed away in July 2018 and who was a life long supporter of Ben having spent his entire working life in the motor industry.


Dressed in a disruptive pattern (all individually applied decals), our '94 Toyota Corolla covered exactly 1,800 miles over a four day period. ​


The rally began at historic Brooklands in Surrey before heading across the channel into France, Germany, Belgium and then back to the UK and home to Bolton. ​


We were grateful to receive generous support from many of our clients and key suppliers.


To make even more of the trip, our team took a trip to both the Porsche and Mercedes-Benz museums in Stuttgart.


Not to mention the racing mecca of the Nurburgring before bringing day four to a close at The Rockingham Circuit by 0-60 tests, handbrake turn competitions and a lap of the race circuit. ​


The ten year anniversary event came to a close with a black tie dinner and our commitment to the 2019 event. ​


We're looking forward to supporting Ben for years to come. ​ ​

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