Bangers4Ben 2018 - 10th Anniversary
In October 2018 we stepped up our support to Ben and participated in the annual Bangers4Ben Rally. By the end of the event over £50,000 was raised by Rockfield and all the other participants from within the industry. All while having a great time in cars costing no more than £750.
We dedicated our entry to Alan Blevins MBE FIMI who passed away in July 2018 and who was a life long supporter of Ben having spent his entire working life in the motor industry.
Dressed in a disruptive pattern (all individually applied decals), our '94 Toyota Corolla covered exactly 1,800 miles over a four day period.
The rally began at historic Brooklands in Surrey before heading across the channel into France, Germany, Belgium and then back to the UK and home to Bolton.
We were grateful to receive generous support from many of our clients and key suppliers.
To make even more of the trip, our team took a trip to both the Porsche and Mercedes-Benz museums in Stuttgart.
Not to mention the racing mecca of the Nurburgring before bringing day four to a close at The Rockingham Circuit by 0-60 tests, handbrake turn competitions and a lap of the race circuit.
The ten year anniversary event came to a close with a black tie dinner and our commitment to the 2019 event.
We're looking forward to supporting Ben for years to come.